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Cancel Culture and the Detriment of Ideas!

Society has become so divided now. There seems to be no middle ground. No room for discussion. We’re throwing vitriol insults at one another like verbal darts. Everyone is so ANGRY! Cancel culture has caused us to remain silent, but has it really reshaped the opinions of those that disagree with us? I could argue that it’s made things worse because now, people are expressing their views behind closed doors. And because of that, we’re no longer willing to share our thoughts and ideas for fear of retribution. So again I ask…has it made things “BETTER?”

There was a cliché used years ago saying, “When white America catches a cold, black America catches pneumonia!” Trickle-down economics effect blacks worse, but why? Is it about race, or strategic planning? Probably both, but race doesn’t stop you from owning a home. Nor does it prevent you from learning a skill or trade. Race doesn’t stop you from preparing for retirement, or leaving an inheritance for your family. This is why “cancel culture” is detrimental to the black community. Because once you cut off a segment of people, you cut off the knowledge that goes with it. I’ve reached a point in my life where I don’t care if you agree with me and vice versa. But we don’t need to agree to exchange knowledge. “How did you create your corporation?” “What’s the difference between an S Corp and a C Corp?” “What is a ROTH IRA?” “Are you familiar with Foundations and Trust?” “And do you recommend a Term Life Insurance Policy over Whole or Universal?”

These are important questions that need to be discussed in the black community. With all due respect, I don’t want to learn how to create a “Go Fund Me” page!!!

Blacks have ALWAYS been a diverse group of people. Although we are united by race, blacks are not limited to monolithic views and opinions. This has allowed us to share our knowledge and experience for the betterment of the culture. Renowned scholars in their own right, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois shared different views regarding the advancement of African Americans. But their different opinions never caused disconnect or division among the race. If anything, it spurred dialogue and pushed us forward.

Recently, Black America has been hijacked by a negative, primal subculture that disregards the achievements of black scholars and tradesmen, and elevates the performance of imbeciles. Unfortunately, when black scholars and the institutions they support strive to advance the culture, they’re labeled as “sellouts” or “Uncle Toms.” This only leads to greater division within the culture instead of promoting the transfer of knowledge and ideas among ourselves. But this division doesn’t hurt the older generation that has the knowledge. It hurts the “woke” generation that’s still living with their parents.

My advice…BUY A HOME!! Why? Because this is the beginning of obtaining wealth in America. BUY A HOME before you ruin your credit on a far-fetched idea. If you start a business before you own a home, you’re working backwards. If you return to school for an advanced degree before you own a home, you’re working backwards. And if you start a family before you own a home, YOU’RE WORKING BACKWARDS!!

Homeownership will not only provide shelter and stability, but it will fund the ventures you’re trying to establish. Picture a home as a trampoline that will catapult you to the next level in life. Trust me…You’re going to have about a dozen business ideas cross your mind, but while you’re still trying to figure it out, your home will provide the equity and collateral necessary for getting it started. Banks don’t care about your enthusiasm, and your parents aren’t obligated to risk their nest egg on your idea. So get off of your righteous high horse, and find a mentor that’s willing to show you which way is up.

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