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Don't Get Mad, Get Smart!

Drugs! Crime! Blight and despair! These were the images SOLD to us about the perpetual State of Affairs in the black community. Whether truth or propaganda, societies around the globe have bought and sold these perceptions without considering the long-term effects it has towards future generations. But there’s one thing for certain as it pertains to life in the black community. The future looks bright, and technology is the driving force.

As a child, I remember standing on the baseball mound at I.C. Apple Field, wearing a snapback hat and a red jersey for the Vandalia Athletic Association. The words “Soul Variation” adorned the back as I shared the field with my peers and listened to the cheers from our parents in the stands. We were good, but I wanted to be great, so losing was hard for me to accept. While pouting in the passenger seat on the ride home after a loss, my father said, “Son, don’t get mad, get smart!” It was sound advice because an uncontrollable temper solves little in the black community. In fact, it only leads to more frustration and despair.

Our leaders have championed the fight against slavery and segregation. They’ve destroyed walls of oppression, which separated us from becoming partakers of the American Dream. But understand that the goal was never to engage in a continuous fight with our peers. Our forefathers weren’t asking for preferential treatment. They were simply fighting for an opportunity to stand in the batter’s box and swing for the fence like everyone else. But in this new information age of technology, the rules have changed, and it requires a different approach. The answers we seek to solve our problems are no longer found in yesterday’s march, but in tomorrow’s meeting rooms. Our communities are full of opportunities and America knows it. It’s time for us to figure it out and capitalize before we lose our spot in the lineup.

Currently, we stand on the mound of American culture, staring at the field of technology with our peers, as our ancestors cheer from the celestial stands in support. The world is watching with anticipation, waiting for our next pitch. Our peers are fully aware of the obstacles that we’ve overcome which only makes our story more compelling. The rules have changed, but our Soul Variations provide a unique blend of artistry in a bland climate of virtual reality and cryptocurrency.

What does all of this mean? This means the old racial tactics used to discriminate against minorities has all but disappeared. In the past, blacks were denied credit on appearance alone. Recently, we’ve discovered that algorithms were included in loans applications that led to higher points and interest rates for minorities. But now we’re headed towards a period of deregulation where homes can be purchased with block chain currencies, and smart contracts that removes the middle man from the equation. So as we are eliminating the archaic strongholds, and unethical practices that held us back, we must also eliminate the defeatist mindsets that accompanied them.

This is our moment. This is the day our ancestors dreamed of, long before the days of digital assets and smart technology. It’s time for this generation to stop fighting among ourselves because we face a greater challenge. We can no longer afford to get mad at each other over cynical views. We must get smart, and begin utilizing “Smart Technology” such as electric vehicles and roads, smart homes with interactive appliances, and VR simulators that allow us to conduct business from anywhere. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” Truly words to live by. The game is not over, and the odds are stacked in our favor. Let’s make the adjustments now while we still have a few innings left.

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